
Trust Glue

Let Go to Grow

Let Go to Grow 720 720 Raquel B. Brown

Trust is too often misunderstood and underrated.  A  friend shared his reflection about a  parable he heard from his father which resonates strongly with me as a teachable moment. The…

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Art of Trust

Art of Trust 1940 1100 Raquel B. Brown

Our workplaces impact societal wellness daily through the decisions and actions taken person by person. Over a lifetime, work is one of the places people often make their most significant…

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Crowded Cockpit

Crowded Cockpit 1219 1219 Raquel B. Brown

What is the #1 action leaders take that intensifies a crisis?  The familiar “All Hands on Deck” approach.  You know how you feel when driving with friends and everyone has…

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LEADERSHIP is an Attitude

LEADERSHIP is an Attitude 1800 1800 Raquel B. Brown

Each time I read or hear Drive I cringe. Drive this, Drive that, Drive everything is the new verb that signifies high performance!   Drive features prominently in board &…

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To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required

To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required 1920 1080 Raquel B. Brown

“I was so grateful for Raquel's gift of time and expertise when she agreed to facilitate the Board's work on our strategic vision. She has so much to add to…

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