As a key member of CEO and board teams, Raquel brings a unique skillset and global experience developed through assignments in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. She is an asset to international and multinational corporate boards.
Raquel is qualified to immediately serve on the AI, Audit, Compensation, ESG, and Nom/Gov board committees. Additionally, she is qualified to lead AI governance and best practices deliberations.
She brings a seasoned & global leadership voice, governance expertise as well as insight, innovative thinking, and a track record of success with commodity, complex & regulated omnichannel business operations. She has a unique ability to build trust and foster candid, thoughtful, and constructive dialogue resulting in high-quality decision-making and execution.
Raquel is known for her disruptive business acumen as a trusted, vital voice in the boardroom. She is sought out for her ability to unlock radical market value, profitable business growth, scaling, and innovation. Her problem-solving ability, abundant positive mindset, and collaborative leadership style coupled with her strategic and operational experience are assets in the boardroom.
She’s a trusted independent non-executive director and advisor to CEOs and boards, as well as an accomplished founder & COO. She thrives in dynamic environments with the thorniest of challenges at every stage ~ crisis, start-up, emerging, growth, mature, transforming & declining.
As a woman of African heritage, Raquel is committed to using her expertise, skills, and relationships to contribute to the continued development of the economy in Southern Africa and the African diaspora. She is on a mission to have an impact on leadership thinking and action to unlock the vast, dormant economic potential.
In this chapter of her career, she is dedicated to shaping business RESULTS through leadership globally at the governance level in Africa, China, Europe, and the USA.